Denise Joy, sole proprietor of Mountain Spirit Herbals LLC, has owned this small herbal company since 1985.
Disclosure: None of the products here are intended as prescriptions for the treatment of health problems. Herbs must be used with knowledge and discretion, and we cannot be responsible for individual responses to their use. Please consult a health practicioner before use. This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Combination Herb Tinctures
(special blends on request)
Tinctures are a concentrated form of herbs in an alcohol base, mainly for internal use. They are easily assimilated by the body, and are very convenient — good in almost any situation. Tinctures come in 1 oz. or 4 oz. dropper bottles with instructions for use.
AVOID DURING PREGNANCY: Birth Alert, California Poppy, Cayenne, Chaste Tree Berry, Cohoshes, Crampbark, Cramp-Ease, Elderberry, Elecampane Blend, Elecampane Root, Ephedra, Goldenseal Root, Hawthorn Berry, Heartache, Horm Norm, Kick Ass, Licorice Root, Lion Strength, Lobelia, Lomatium, Male Toner, Medusa’s Hair, Menopause, Milk Thistle Blend, Motherwort, Nervine, Osha Root, Poke Root, Repro-Toner, Sage, Shepherd’s Purse, Snot Not, Under Pressure, Valerian Root, Weight Off, Wild Yam Root, and Yarrow Flowers